Thrive Throughout Motherhood!



To me, thriving throughout motherhood means that people only know that you have children if your children are with you. Not because you are always rushing to the bathroom or because you have a post-baby pooch. It means returning to the activities that you engaged in before you had children and doing them without pain or leaking. It means that you are unapologetically confident and fully embrace the power that it took to give birth. Whether you are giving birth for the first time or have done it several times before, I would love the honor of helping you not only survive, but thrive throughout motherhood! For a one-time 30-minute phone consultation, the fee is $50.00. For ongloing consultation, the fee is $200/month.

Thrive Before


Purpose: To prevent complications from taking place before and during delivery.

Cost: $200.00 for an in-home assessment and a home exercise program.

1. Are you familiar with the delivery process whether vaginal or cesarean?

2. Do you know how to properly push?

3. Do you know how to avoid tearing with vaginal deliveries?

4. Are you aware of the changes that can take place in your body as a result of having a c-section?

5. Are you modifying your exercise regimen to accommodate your growing baby?

6. Are you strengthening your postural muscles so that you can avoid leaking and core weakness?

7. Are you having pain and heaviness in your pelvis that worsens with activity?

8. Are you having trouble sleeping through the night?

Thrive After


Purpose: To protect your body, gently exercise your pelvic floor and prevent long-term abdominal muscle separation.

Cost: $200.00 for a 1.5 hour in-home assessment and home exercise program.

1. Are you getting into and out of bed, breathing and using the bathroom properly?

2. Are you carrying your child, breastfeeding/bottle-feeding the right way?

3. Are there things in your diet that are causing you to leak urine?

4. Are you engaging in activity that will worsen your abdominal muscle separation?

5. What exercises should you be doing or avoiding during the initial 6-week period after delivering?

6. How can you ensure that your c-section scar heals properly?

Thrive While

Getting Fit

Purpose: To prevent long-term issues like back pain, pelvic pain, decreased support of the pelvic organs, loss of bladder/bowel control, and core instability.

Cost: $200.00 for a 1.5 hour in-home assessment and home exercise program.

1. Are you leaking when you cough, laugh, lift or sneeze or having difficulty making it to the bathroom?

2. Do you feel a bulge in your vagina when you squat, lift, or use the bathroom?

3. Are you aware of how much fluid you should be drinking/calories you should be consuming?

4. Do your shoes and bra fit well?

5. While lying on your back, can you lift one leg without belly bulging?

6. Can you stand without a slouched posture?

7. Are you leaking while running, during your exercise class or while lifting weights?

During pregnancy, your body goes through changes that will not reverse themselves without intervention. However, most moms resume working, having sex, and exercising without addressing those changes. Don’t be like most moms. Take care of yourself so that you can thrive both as a mother and as a woman.

Contact us to schedule an appointment for your pre-delivery, post-delivery and return-to-fitness assessments so that you know the answers to the questions above and can find out where you may need some support, stability and training.